Any mention of the word "fashion" and my ears perk up! I am quite the girly girl at heart and have an avid interest in clothing,shoes, surprise. I've had some seasons of being obsessed with "what I put on" and my jewerly collection shows evidence of trying to be miss "got rocks", however thankfully I'm starting to feel comfortable with my own casual style so I don't spend alot of time obsessing on my look any more. It's my goal to "display my womanly beauty" without too much time investment, stuffing my closets and drawers or breaking the bank. I have much contemplated finding the balance between having enough to wear (and be presentable) without indulging my vanity or trying to keep up with the jones'. I've come to the conclusion that less really is more, less stuff to keep clean and organized and less time spent shopping equals more time and more money to divert elsewhere!
Pansy from the French word "pensee" which means "thoughts" |
Last spring I attended a womens retreat and the speakers theme was "the treasure of a woman" the end of the last session she brought out her treasure chest that she keeps filled with bible verses and invited everyone to come and take a verse. My treasure verse was Ephesians 4:23-24 NLT which says
" Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God's likeness -- righteous, holy, and true". I did a little studying on this treasure and found this description in Warren Wiersbe's Bible Expositions Commentary "
in the physical life you are what you eat, but in your spiritual life you are what you THINK!". Absolutly perfect, as God has been dealing with me alot about my "unrenewed" thoughts and attitudes; worrying (sometimes about how I look or what I'm gonna wear!), listening to my fears, keeping score of wrongs and slights, trying to out manipulate manipulators just to name a few, but really I should be thinking about all God has promised to me in His word and all the blessings I experience every day. I decided this treasure verse would be a great one for me to memorize so I started perusing it in different bible translations, when I found this translation from The Message that took my breath away
"take on an entirely new way of life - a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.". A God-fashioned life!!! yes that's it!, exactly the fashion statement I want my life to make! far beyond what this girly-girl could imagine or hope for!
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