Friday, July 2, 2010

Blessed 2B an AMERICAN!

July 4th 1994 fell during the time I was in Croatia on a short-term missions trip. I’d planned ahead and brought something red, white and blue to wear. I’d always enjoyed celebrating July 4th, the fireworks and food, I understood the historical significance but it wasn’t really personal.
Myself and my “fellow Americans“ planned a picnic and headed to the river to eat and swim. We had burgers and chips and I bought a watermelon at a street market, it was warm and not quite ripe but a sweet reminder of home. While we were eating we started singing the Star Spangle Banner, America the Beautiful and other patriotic songs. We laughed at a friend’s dramatic interpretation of a firecracker J. It was obvious our Croatian and Bosnian friends felt a little awkward and left out but we couldn’t help ourselves, we were caught up in the moment.
I started thinking about how different it must be to live in such a war-ravaged and troubled place as the Balkans and what a blessing it is to live in the USA, wow! That hit home and it was personal! Some of my “fellow Americans” must have been having similar thoughts…I remember a sort of group moment of intense homesickness.
Every July 4th I think about that day, and I truly celebrate how blessed I am to be an American… and I say a prayer for anyone who finds them self far from home….

Thursday, July 1, 2010


my first layout on canvas! very easy and fun...